Wojciech Gawelda
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid & IMDEA-Nanociencia Departamento de Química, Facultad de Ciencias Campus Universitario Cantoblanco 28049 Madrid, SPAIN
Email: wojciech.gawelda@uam.es | Phone: +34 91 497 6071
Research interests and expertise
Prof. Wojciech Gawelda’s research focuses on the applications of advanced ultrafast X-ray techniques, in combination with ultrafast optical spectroscopies, to study photoinduced structural dynamics in condensed-phase molecular systems, mainly solvated transition metal complexes. He has pioneered several important implementations of time-resolved X-ray methodologies at synchrotrons and X-ray free electron lasers worldwide. In the last 10 years, Wojciech Gawelda had been employed as a staff beamline scientist at the European XFEL facility in Schenefeld (Germany), where he had contributed to the design, construction, commissioning and the successful user operation of the FXE (Femtosecond X-ray Experiments) instrument (https://www.xfel.eu/facility/instruments/fxe/index_eng.html). Currently he holds a double affiliation position at the Department of Chemistry at Autónoma University and IMDEA-Nanoscience in Madrid (Spain).

José Manuel Martín García
Department of Crystallography and Structural Biology Institute of Physical Chemistry Rocasolano, CSIC Serrano 119, 28006 Madrid, SPAIN
Group Website: https://jmmartin46.wixsite.com/josemartin-group
Email: jmmartin@iqfr.csic.es | Phone: +34 91 561 9400 (ext. 961173)
Research interests and expertise
Dr. Martín García has a broad background in protein-protein interactions and membrane proteins, with specific training and expertise in X-ray crystallography using the state-of-the-art and emerging technique of serial crystallography at X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) and synchrotron radiation sources. Dr. Martín García´s research has always been focused on projects related to study proteins with the ultimate goal of applying structure-based drug discovery science. As Co-investigator on several university- and NIH-funded grants, Dr. Martín García has laid the groundwork for the proposed research by: 1) advancing nano-crystallography as a routine method for growing, diagnosing, and assessing tiny crystals; 2) developing new media for sample delivery with viscous jets; 3) developing new software and algorithms to improve existing SFX data processing as well as to process serial crystallography data collected using polychromatic beams; 4) implementing the serial crystallography technique using the high-viscosity injector at synchrotrons worldwide in order to make this technique more user friendly and accessible to more users in the near future.
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